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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Proposed Street Sweeping Program

The City of Sammamish is developing an Enhanced Maintenance Plan to increase current efforts and better manage urban pollutants impacting water quality. This proposed program is designed to increase the frequency and effectiveness of street sweepings, especially in areas with high traffic volumes and environmental sensitivity and will comply with NPDES Permit requirements.

This effort reflects the city's proactive approach to environmental management and its commitment to improving the quality of life for its residents through better infrastructure maintenance and protection of natural resources.

Key Features of the Proposed Street Sweeping Program

Increased Sweeping Frequency

The plan includes more frequent sweeping of arterials and neighborhood streets to ensure a higher removal rate of pollutants and debris. The project aims to reduce the buildup of sediments and associated pollutants that can wash into stormwater systems during rainfall.

Enhanced Equipment

The city intends to purchase or lease a new regenerative air sweeper. This equipment is more efficient at removing pollutants from streets, which is critical for protecting the local water bodies, particularly those that support salmonid species.

Priority Area Focus

Sweeping efforts will prioritize high-traffic areas, streets with significant canopy trees that lead to seasonal leaf drops, and municipal roads serving industrial zones. These areas are considered critical due to their potential to contribute higher levels of pollutants to stormwater runoff.

Improved Response Capability

Contracting for sweeping services causes long delays in responding to spills. Owning a sweeper will enable the city to respond quickly to spill incidents and public requests for street cleaning. This reduces the risk of pollutants entering the stormwater system or natural waterbodies.

Quantification of Water Quality Benefits

The program will document the volume and types of debris collected. This data will help quantify the direct benefits of street sweeping on local water quality, providing a tangible measure of the program's impact.

Cost Management

With the city taking on more sweeping responsibilities, the reliance on contracted services will decrease, potentially reducing overall program costs. The program also aims to optimize resource allocation by adjusting sweeping schedules based on seasonal needs and street conditions.

Anticipated Benefits:

  • Environmental Protection: By removing debris and pollutants before they enter water bodies, the program supports the city's environmental goals, particularly in protecting habitats for local wildlife such as salmon.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Increased sweeping frequency will help meet the stringent requirements of the NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, ensuring that the city remains compliant with state and federal regulations.
  • Community Satisfaction: More frequent and effective street cleaning will improve overall community satisfaction with city services and contribute to a cleaner, more attractive urban environment.