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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

207th Ave NE Culvert Repair Project

Public Works

Associate Stormwater Engineer

Jayden Abrams
(425) 295 0551

Project Background

In 1964, King County constructed 207th Ave NE and installed a culvert pipe underneath the roadway, running east to west. In 2020 the City installed an above ground pipe to route stormwater runoff from 207th Ave NE as a temporary solution for a runoff issue. City staff investigated options for permanent conveyance solutions and included the project as part of the stormwater capital program, SW-500 (Projects $50K - $300K).

In January 2023, staff obtained direction to prepare an alternatives analysis for the 207th Ave NE Drainage Issue. The City engaged Atwell LLC in the same year to perform the analysis and selected the preferred option to mitigate the issue, containing construction within existing City's right-of-way. Project design was completed in March 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2024 with substantial completion anticipated later this summer. This timeline will allow construction to finish during the dry season.

The project was advertised on March 26th and April 2nd, 2024 in the Daily Journal of Commerce and the Seattle Times. Bids were opened on April 16th, 2024. The lowest bid was submitted by FTS Excavation.