Long Range Planning
The Long Range Planning Division prepares and maintains the plans and regulations that help shape the City’s built and natural environment, including the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Sammamish Development Code, Sammamish Municipal Code, Shoreline Master Program, and other growth management plans and regulations. Staff support is provided to the City Council, and Planning Commission in their roles of establishing City land use policies and regulations.
Annual Docket Request Process
The Annual Docket Process is a mechanism that enables the City to modify the text or map of the Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the provisions of the Growth Management Act. This allows the City to respond to changing circumstances or needs and review the Comprehensive Plan regularly. The process also ensures that the City's land use and development regulations conform to the Comprehensive Plan and can be modified as needed to address changing conditions or needs.
To learn more about a project, please visit the project's web page. If you have questions about the timeline or next steps, please contact the project manager (listed on each project page).