Project Background
This project widened Issaquah Fall City Road to four lanes, between 242nd Ave SE and Klahanie Dr SE. The additional lanes along with roundabouts at 242nd, 247th, and Klahanie Drive will improve traffic flow and reduce commute times on this highly-congested roadway.
Goals and Benefits
As part of the newly annexed section of the City (January 1, 2016), SE Issaquah-Fall City Road is a vital connection route to residents of the City of Sammamish and surrounding communities. This project will double the existing two-lane section to a four-lane section.
It promotes the City’s goal of complete streets by including bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaping, and a protected student crossing at Pacific Cascade Middle School.
A bridge located between 247th and Klahanie Drive will raise the roadway to improve safety and meet federal driver stopping sight distance requirements. North Fork Issaquah Creek will be removed from a culvert underneath the roadway into a stream channel spanned by the bridge.
Project Milestones
The 100% design plans, specs, and estimate have been delivered. All permits have been attained. Projected August 2019 construction start date.
3/22/16 City Council reviewed and approved Design Contract
4/19/16 Council Briefing 1, Project Introduction
5/12/16 Public Meeting 1, Pacific Cascade Middle School
May 2016: Began Project Stakeholder Meetings with Schools, Churches, Businesses, Homeowners Associations (details below)
5/24/16 Council Briefing 2, Public Meeting 1 Summary
7/13/16 Public Meeting 2, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Meeting Summary
7/19/16 Council Briefing 3, Public Meeting 2 Summary
7/20/16 Transportation Committee Meeting
7/28/16 Meeting with Issaquah School District, Principal of Pacific Cascade Middle School
8/2/16 Meeting between the Transportation Committee, Eastridge Church (242nd Intersection)
9/2/16 Transportation Committee Project Update
10/17/16 Hunters Ridge, Hunters Place, Caliterra HOA meeting
1/10/17 City Council Meeting Presentation on Bridge vs Culvert Stream Crossing
2/7/17 City Council Stream Crossing Selection Presentation (Bridge was selected)
6/1/17 Public Meeting 3
7/17/17 30% Plan Design completed
10/26/17 Construction and Detour Public Workshop here
11/17/17 60% Plan Design completed
3/13/18 City Council Study Session
4/10/18 City Council Study Session
5/1/18 City Council Consent Agenda Approval of Roadway Closure for Bridge Construction
December 2018 - Engineering Plans completed
12/17/18 SEPA permit approved
3/29/19 City Clearing and Grading Permit issued
4/2/19 City Council Detour Route Presentation (pdf link)
4/11/19 WSDOT Connecting Washington Funding Package approved
4/12/19 Army Corp of Engineers Nationwide permit issued
4/16/19, 4/23/19 Project advertisement dates
5/22/19 King County Clearing and Grading permit issued
5/23/19 Bid opening date
6/4/19 Construction contract awarded to Johansen Construction Company, Buckley, WA for $22,377,063.30
4/16/21 the roadway opened up to the public between 247th PL SE and Klahanie
A $5M CONNECTING WASHINGTON grant has been awarded to the project. Funds will be allocated for project construction costs, with $3.5M in Phase 1, and $1.5M for Phase 2.
Permits and Environmental Review
4/28/16 onsite meeting with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), the City, and Environmental Engineering Consultant staff
9/22/16 SEPA kickoff with WSDOT, the City, and Consultant staff
April 2019 SEPA issued and City of Sammamish Clearing and Grading Permit approved
Public Utilities
Sammamish Plateau Water is planning to replace an existing 8-inch ductile iron water main crossing North Fork Issaquah Creek with 450 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron pipe and 1,140 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron pipe. Plans for the new 16-inch water main will be developed and bid separately by SPW.
For additional information regarding the water utilities, please email SPW's project manager, Jackson Dove ( or call him at (425) 392-6256.
Outreach Review
The project outreach efforts listed below are part of the City of Sammamish's commitment to engage and communicate with the public during the alternatives development and design phase of the Issaquah-Fall City Road Improvements Project.
Project Stakeholder Meetings
4/21/16 Multi-Agency, Interdisciplinary, Stakeholder Advisory (MAISA) Team: WSDOT, City of Issaquah, City of Sammamish, King County5/2/16 Issaquah Montessori School
5/3/16 Klahanie Homeowners Association
5/4/16 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
5/5/16 Snoqualmie Springs School
5/9/16 Issaquah School District, District Officials
5/11/16 Eastridge Church
5/13/16 Pacific Cascade Middle School
6/24/16 Klahanie QFC
7/6/16 Eastridge Church
7/28/16 Issaquah School District Officials, Principal of Pacific Cascade Middle School
8/2/16 Eastridge Church
8/4/16 Summit Homes, Copper Ridge Housing Development
9/29/16 Summit Homes, Copper Ridge Housing Development
9/30/16 Member of Local Boy Scout Troup
10/17/16 Caliterra, Hunters Place, Hunters Ridge HOA reps
Project Updates
9/27/16 Snoqualmie Springs School
9/27/16 Shepherd of the Hills Church
10/6/16 Klahanie HOA
1/9/17 Project Update from City Manager to Project Stakeholders