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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Background Information

Principal Planner

Chris Hankins
(425) 295 0547

Town Center Plan

The Town Center plan was adopted in 2008, with implementing regulations adopted in late 2010 and early 2011. During the Town Center planning process, there was extensive public outreach and participation, including more than 30 public meetings, open houses, surveys, design charrettes, and other public input opportunities.

This extensive public process resulted in a plan that represents the Sammamish community's priorities. The plan ensures anticipated growth will contribute to the natural character and quality of life in Sammamish. The Town Center will absorb a significant portion of the city’s anticipated residential and commercial growth and integrate compatible land uses while minimizing impacts to established neighborhoods.

Town Center Location

The Sammamish Town Center is roughly bounded:

  • on the north by East Main Street,
  • on the south by SE 8th Street,
  • on the east by 233rd Avenue and
  • on the west by 222nd Street.

The area also includes the 30-acre Sammamish Commons, which is home to City Hall, Sammamish Community and Aquatic Center, Library and park.


Adopted Plans

Maps & Exhibits